Story 49 - Vietnam Units

Royal Australian Corps of Signals

By Denis Hare

Denis 'Rabbit' Hare


I have had a number of enquiries from Signals and other Veterans on which unit they served with in Vietnam.   The confusion comes from the fact that the Royal Australian Corps of Signals (Signals) was using the “Brick System” for Force Signals.    In many cases, Soldiers were posted to a Troop which was under the Administration and Operational control of a Squadron.

Unfortunately the records only reflect the Troop not the Squadron and therefore some books and the Vietnam Veteran Roll don’t reflect the Signals units correctly.   Signal units in Vietnam with Administration and Operational Command, are detailed as follows.

Timeline of Signals Units Vietnam
Timeline Royal Australian Corps of Signals, South Vietnam


709 Signal Troop (Composite including Heavy Radio, Med Radio and Sigcen)
“First Signals Unit in Vietnam”

Self-contained from 25 May 1965 until absorbed into 145 Signal Squadron

527 Signal Troop (Additional Signals manpower for 709 Signal Troop)

From 14 September 1965 and under command of 709 Signal Troop until absorbed into 145 Signal Squadron

Australian Army Assistant Group Vietnam (AAAGV) Signal Detachment
“Last Signals in Vietnam”

12 March 1972 - December 1972

Force Signals

145 Signal Squadron

The first elements of the Squadron arrived in South Vietnam, 1st April 1966.  The unit was formed on the "brick" system and had a headquarters and a number of Signal Troops as follows:

506 Signal Troop (Med Radio Relay)

520 Signal Troop (Tech Maint)

552 Signal Troop (Light Sigcen)

581 Signal Troop (Med Sigcen)

Plus 527 Signal Troop and 709 Signal Troop were absorbed into the Squadron structure.

110 Signal Squadron

2 March 1967 - 12 March 1972, replaced 145 Signal Squadron with the following Troops:

503 Signal Troop (Med Sigcen)

532 Signal Troop (Med Radio)

557 Signal Troop (Tech Maint)

561 Signal Troop (Light Sigcen)

704 Signal Troop (Med Radio Relay)

709 Signal Troop (Base Comms Sig)

Individual replacements into 110 Signal Squadron became the norm after 1967 effectively replacing the “brick” system.

Special Signals

547 Signal Troop
Electronic Warfare (EW) from 1 April 1966 - 23 December 1971

Det 152 Signal Squadron

Special Air Service (SAS) from 31 August 1966 - 15 October 1971

Det 125 Signal Squadron

Members worked on fixed communication installation tasks but were normally detached to HQ AFV or Force Signals for temp duty in Vietnam.

Task Force Signals

103 Signal Squadron

May1966 - April 1967

104 Signal Squadron

April 1967 - December 1971 replacing 103 Signal Squadron

Individual replacements into 104 Signal Squadron became the norm after 1967.

Note:  A number of 145 Signal Squadron members served with 103 Signal Squadron and deployed with them on operations.  Up to forty members of 110 Signal Squadron served with 104 Signal Squadron at any given time, with some deployed on operations also.

Other Signals

 Signals members also served with the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam (AATTV), on 32 Small Ships (Engineers) and in Headquarter roles.

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