Story 38 - Was 'Stretch' Lucky or Unlucky?

Details from Rowan Gamble

Rowan 'Stretch' Gamble

Rowan "Stretch" Gamble testing field wireRowan "Stretch" Gamble is either the luckiest or unluckiest member of 104 Sig Sqn to serve in South Vietnam.  He served in Vietnam as a CPL lineman.  Key points of Stretch's service during 1968 are: 

1.  Wounded in the left leg and left side of the head from
     shrapnel from a RPG round at FSPB Coral 13 May 1968.
     Hospitalized and returned to duties at Nui Dat.

      Unlucky to be hit but lucky to be alive!

2.  Struck by lighting at Nui Dat in mid 1968.  Survived OK.

      Unlucky to be hit but lucky to be alive!

3.  Accidentally wounded in the right thigh at Nui Dat in the
     Comcen by a F1 Submachine gun 9mm round on the
     12 August 1968.   Medically evacuated to Australia.

     Unlucky to be hit but lucky to be alive!


     While signalman soldiers are not superstitious and we all know lighting never strikes
     in the same spot twice.  Having been wounded at FSPB Coral and then the lighting
     incident, some of the unit members, were happy for Stretch to be in someone else's

     Stretch now lives happily in Ballarat, Victoria with wife Nancy and it appears the bad
     karma  from 1968 remains in Vietnam.  However shrapnel from his head wound
     suffered at FSPB Coral was only removed a number of years ago!

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