Story 7 - The Cream of her Youth
Review of the
book by Stuart Weller on service with
104 Signal Squadron in Vietnam in
Stuart Weller was called up for National Service and was posted to 104 Signal Squadron, deploying with the Squadron's main body to South Vietnam in May 1967. The author has provided us with a 265 page diary which begins from the time of his conscription to his discharge.
Stuart is affectionate to his colleagues (Thank you Mate!) and midly abusive to officers (Sorry Sir's!). Many 104 Signal Squadron veterans are named both during their service and at the Welcome Home Parade in Sydney 1987. The book also has some recollections by 104 Signal Veterans from 1967/68 (and their families) to 1987.
Highlights from the book are the last night in Australia when 104 Sigs had to fight the Queensland Police Force at the National Hotel in Brisbane, the long trip in a Hercules, camp life at Nui Dat, deployments, Christmas at the Dat, detachment to Saigon, getting charged, working with elements of the 39th and 41st US Signal Battalions, etc. Also many photos and cartoons.
If you were 104 Sigs or want an account of what it was like being a Task Force Signalman in Vietnam, this is a must read. Stuart published the book himself and copies are available by sending $20 to Stuart at the following address:
Stuart Weller
11 Martin Street
NABIAC NSW 2312 (Australia)
Ph 02-65578266
[ $A20 which includes postage in Australia ]
(ISBN 0 7316 2871 3 - First Published: 1988 by Stuart Weller)Back | Story Index | Next If you would like to add a story to this Web Site, please email with details.